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100 Questions (kinky)



1. Who should show their favorite sex position?

2. Who wears too much makeup?

3. Who wears too little makeup?

4. Who is most likely adopted? (YO chill! Take 2 sips.)

5. Who is the poorest? (Poor thing! Everyone sends the person 2 kr. They’ve probably never seen so much money.)

6. Who takes the most drugs?

7. Who takes up the most space in the room?

8. Who in the room would you most like to sleep with?

9. Who is the thinnest in the room?

10. Who looks absolutely terrible? (Give yourself beer goggles before you look in the mirror next time. Take 3 sips.)

We’re definitely getting started! Cheers!


11. Who in the room is going to give you a kiss? (Kiss the person who gave you the box or drink 3 sips.)

12. Who has a small dick?

13. Who has the biggest dick? (Good for you. Drink 2 sips for your bad personality.)

14. Who gets kicked out of clubs the most?

15. Who in the room would be sent out of the country?

16. Who prefers anal?

17. Who believes in God?

18. Who is the most single and needs a hookup?

19. Who is most likely to end up on welfare?

20. Who looks the weirdest?

21. Who got hit as a child? (Show a scar. If you don’t have one, take 2 extra sips.)

22. Who has the most extreme fetish?

23. Who should never have kids? (Show everyone you have contraception on you or drink 2 extra sips.)

24. Who has daddy issues?

25. Who would die first in a war? (Everyone takes 1 sip for our fallen comrade.)

26. Who is a danger to society?

27. Who is ending up in a holding cell tonight?

28. Who is the hottest tonight?

29. Who is too innocent to be here?

30. Who will die alone? (Fear not! Choose a partner who will drink with you for the rest of the game.)

31. Who is unfaithful?

32. Who is actually a good person?

33. Who has a bad personality?

34. Who has the biggest "personalities"?

35. Who in the room has to take off 3 pieces of clothing? (Take off 3 items or drink 3 sips.)

36. Who in the room has to drink 5 sips? (Drink 5 sips or... drink 5 sips.)

37. Who is the most cynical?

38. Who is turned on by old people?

39. Who is a racist?

40. Who in the room has to lick someone’s neck? (Lick someone’s neck or take 3 sips.)

41. Who could sleep with a teacher for better grades?

42. Who would you want to take with you to the bedroom right now?

43. Who is going to throw up tonight? (We’ll help you get there. Take 3 sips.)

44. Who will end up with an ex tonight?

45. Who has the best butt?

46. Who could lead a criminal gang?

47. Who is ending up in the hospital tonight?

48. Who takes whatever they can get?

49. Who will die a virgin?

50. Who needs more to drink? (Drink 3 sips.)

51. Who is the most fit?

52. Who has the hottest mom?

53. Who could forget their parachute when skydiving?

54. Who is on the edge?

55. Who would make the best stripper?

56. Who has the worst ex?

57. Who is the biggest slut?

58. Who would you never let date your son or daughter?

59. Who deserves a kiss? (The person obviously wants to kiss you. Give a kiss to the person who gave you the box.)

60. Who needs a new drink? (Finish your current drink.)

61. Who ate mud as a kid?

62. Who is most likely to become a character in Exit?

63. Who is the hottest?

64. Who has the worst taste in people?

65. Who is the richest? (Take as many sips as you have decimal points in your bank account.)

66. Who needs a hug? (What you really need is more to drink! Take 3 sips.)

67. Who is going to get the most action tonight?

68. Who needs more muscles? (Do 5 pushups.)

69. Who has the best style?

70. Who is feeling themselves too much? (You need to be humbled. Sit on the floor until you get the box again.)

71. Who has the best game? (Give your best pick-up line to the person next to you.)

72. Who would make the best porn star? (Perform a 2-minute porn scene as a pizza delivery person with someone of your choice.)

73. Who needs a refill? (Drink the rest of your drink, fill it up, and drink it until it’s as empty as before you got the box.)

74. Who belongs on Norske Rednecks?

75. Who thinks the worst of others?

76. Who is too optimistic?

77. Who has the hottest partner?

78. Who has the craziest party tricks? (Show off your party trick. If you don’t have one, drink 5 sips.)

79. Who would you hire if you needed a hitman?

80. Who could sleep with everyone in the room? (Rank the top 3 people in the room based on sex appeal.)

81. Who has the hottest body? (Do a 360 spin.)

82. Who does everything to be noticed?

83. Who has nice feet?

84. Who sends the most nudes?

85. Who thinks they are the main character?

86. Who has the best lips? (Time to prove it! Make out with the person to your right for 10 seconds.)

87. Who in the room has the best drink? (Too bad, swap drinks with the person who gave you the box.)

88. Who gives off daddy energy?

89. Who is secretly gay? (Come out or convince everyone that you’re not.)

90. Who needs a new drink? (Finish the rest of your drink and grab a new one.)

91. Who do you want to see naked?

92. Who should have deleted their search history? (Show your history from the last 3 days or drink 3 sips.)

93. Who has a secret sugar daddy?

94. Who has the best reflexes? (If you caught the box, the person who threw it has to drink 2 sips.)

95. Who could play the monster in a horror movie?

96. Who would you send to fight a polar bear?

97. Who hasn’t had enough to drink tonight? (Drink 2 sips.)

98. Who needs to drink more? (Drink 3 sips.)

99. Who needs to drink a lot more? (Drink 5 sips.)

100. Who has drunk the most tonight? (Congratulations, you can hand out 7 sips.)

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