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100 Questions (3)



1. Who is always late?

2. Who has the best sense of humor and should tell a joke?

3. Who is the messiest?

4. Who has the nicest house/apartment?

5. Who is an animal in bed?

6. Who has the best rizz? (Flirt with someone in the room. Need liquid courage? Take two sips if you chicken out.)

7. Who has the best singing voice? (Prove it.)

8. Who is always hungover?

9. Who would do the best in an apocalypse?

10. Who consumes the most alcohol? (Drink 3 extra sips.)

Here we go! All the girls take a sip!


11. Who in the room is the most introverted?

12. Who in the room is the most extroverted?

13. Who cries the most? (If you can shed a tear, everyone takes a sip.)

14. Who is the best dancer? (Prove it.)

15. Who would make the best farmer?

16. Who has to drink 6 sips?

17. Who is the biggest pillow princess?

18. Who is the sportiest? (Do 10 burpees or drink 5 sips.)

19. Who is the biggest nerd?

20. Who has the best style?

Keep it going! The guys take a sip!


21. Who could become a politician? (Share your most controversial opinion.)

22. Who will have kids first?

23. Who has the most tattoos?

24. Who loves spending money the most?

25. Who has the chillest job?

26. Who cooks the best food?

27. Who lives on Grandiosa?

28. Who has to drink 4 sips?

29. Who will get married first?

30. Who is the most adventurous?

31. Who has the most sex? (Show your favorite sex position.)

32. Who will become the richest?

33. Who is the worst driver?

34. Who is the most single?

35. Who was born with a silver spoon in their mouth?

36. Who has failed the most subjects?

37. Who reads the most?

38. Who has the most interesting hobby?

39. Who has the most friends? (Call a friend and tell them you love them.)

40. Who is the best listener?

41. Who is the biggest morning person?

42. Who is the biggest night owl?

43. Who has done the most illegal things?

44. Who could win an Oscar? (Do your best celebrity impression.)

45. Who takes the most pictures?

46. Who looks like a vegetarian?

47. Who has to finish their drink?

48. Who is the most right-leaning?

49. Who is the most posh? (Give us your richest laugh.)

50. Who is the best leader? (Lead everyone to take 3 sips.)

Halfway there! Cheers!


51. Who is the biggest poet? (Give us a poem.)

52. Who is the biggest "potato"?

53. Who always wins?

54. Who is the worst loser?

55. Who is the most romantic? (Perform a 2-minute romantic scene with someone of your choice.)

56. Who will get the drunkest tonight?

57. Who is the best wingman?

58. Who would you most want to be stranded on a deserted island with? (Present a survival plan.)

59. Who has the most celebrity factor?

60. Who will become a celebrity?

61. Who needs a finance course? (Tell us about the dumbest thing you’ve bought.)

62. Who thinks the Earth is flat?

63. Who does dangerous things when drunk?

64. Who could use an extra 10 cm?

65. Who owns the snus box? (Thanks for sharing. Hand out 3 sips.)

66. Who would rather walk 20 kilometers than take a taxi?

67. Who talks too much? (Take a sip every time you speak for the next 3 minutes.)

68. Who has a "sleeper build"? (Show off your best body part.)

69. Who is a secret genius?

70. Who struggles with opening doors?

71. Who should never have kids?

72. Who is most likely to end up in jail? (Share something illegal you've done.)

73. Who smokes too much?

74. Who is unfaithful? (Shame on you! Take an extra sip.)

75. Who would make the best prime minister?

76. Who’s got game?

77. Who would you want to take home tonight?

78. Who would be on the frontlines if the country was invaded?

79. Who should get more attention?

80. Who is wife/husband material?

81. Who would you want as the toastmaster at your wedding? (Give a speech to the person who gave you the box and the person sitting to their left.)

82. Who has a hot body?

83. Who wouldn’t be allowed to babysit your child?

84. Who would you not want to meet in a shady back alley?

85. Who has the most touching story? (Tell it. Anyone who doesn’t cry takes a sip.)

86. Who will live the longest?

87. Who will live the shortest? (Tell about the most dangerous situation you’ve been in.)

88. Who lives life to the fullest?

89. Who needs a washcloth?

90. Who enjoys being “down under”?

91. Who can’t keep a relationship?

92. Who wants to go home?

93. Who should become a singer? (Sing "What a Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong.)

94. Who would you sing to sleep?

95. Who has a secret crush on someone in the room?

96. Who needs to drink more?

97. Who needs to drink a lot more?

98. Who should have gotten the box more often?

99. Who should finish their drink?

100. Who is the most drunk? (Good job! You can hand out 10 sips.)

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